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Hundreds of great conversations, emails, podcasts, and readings went into this concept and story. I’d like to shout out to some of those whose expertise I’ve enjoyed. John Wilbanks is the person talk with about copyright, patents, and intellectual property. Sean McDonald is the source for civic trusts. David Bollier is a commons and commoning maven. Cory Doctorow’s writings on intellectual property are phenomenal. Doc Searls is eternally full of great ideas. Dozens of open source, and open science organizations were resources for this story. I learned a lot about open cooperative governance from the Disco folks. There is a lot of David Graeber in these ideas. Also ethnographers working with hunter-gatherers.
ALL photographs are public domain.
Living in West Philly in the 1970s was close to this. Rizzo was Mayor then. Our row house had a dank basement with a giant, oil gulping furnace… For a background of information on detention, check out My Time Will Come by Ian Manuel.
Photo is public domain